
Monday, June 25, 2012

Oh, Vacation!

I know I normally get a post out first thing Monday morning, but guess what??  I completely forgot to get something together this weekend. I guess my brain is on vacation already!

I don't have any pictures from this weekend, but it was a GREAT one nonetheless! 

On Saturday my Aunt in Jackson hosted family BBQ so everyone could meet the family visiting from Holland.  It was so nice to get together with everyone that I haven't seen in ages.  We all keep up on Facebook, so that's nice, but there is nothing like seeing family face to face!  

BBQ + Family = 2 of my favorite things!

Yesterday morning I woke up before 5:30 with a very upset stomach {I think I enjoyed the BBQ a little too much - I seriously had 4-5 ribs and 2 chicken drumsticks}.  By 10:30 my stomach calmed down enough for me to run some errands.  Once I came home, I was in full cleaning mode!

I did a few loads of laundry, then I finally went through my wall closet, where I house all my pants and tried on EVERY SINGLE PAIR!  Now it is super organized by shorts, capris, jeans & dress pants.  I also have 2 shelves of pants to try on in a month or two.  They were just a bit snug to wear right now, but if I keep my weight loss up, I can fit into them soon!

This morning I woke up at 7, had breakfast, then headed for the GYM!!!  It's been a long time since I went there.  All my exercise lately has been walking and jogging on my own, but I want to get back into the habit of switching up my outside runs with some inside workouts.

Oh, fancy action shot!
 I was a bit excited and tried to do too many different things in one workout...walk/run, hills, sprints.  By 30 minutes in I was pooped, but I just kept walking.  Next time I am going to stick to one workout plan!
Not bad for my first time back!
 I packed small container of the following for a post workout snack:
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
1/4 cup frozen organic blueberries
1/2 packet of stevia
It was the perfect snack since I had to head down the street to Costco.

I LOVE shopping at Costco when it is empty...I can just explore every aisle that I want to!

So now I am home, doing more laundry and about to get my lunch ready {leftover chicken wraps} - YUM!

**What's your favorite machine at the gym?**

**Do you have a go to post workout snack?**

1 comment:

  1. My favorite machine at the gym is the strange elliptical glider thingy!!! I haven't been feeling like working out lately so I haven't been in a while. But I'm going to night and I'm reminding it who's boss!

    Post workout snacks... I don't eat them normally because I workout in the late afternoon and come home to make dinner right away. But pre workout I normally have some fruit or a protein shake.
